Rabu, 22 Februari 2012

Comment: Poor practitioner training hinders IUD use

Comment: Poor practitioner training hinders IUD use
The Jakarta Post | Fri, 02/17/2012 11:13 AM
A | A | A |

Feb. 13, p. 4

Poor training on inserting intrauterine devices (IUD) is hindering the government’s birth-control program under the Jampersal insurance scheme that provides free maternity care to low-income women, an official says.

National Family Planning Board’s (BKKBN) management director Wicaksono said that the rate of IUD use by Jampersal participants remained low.

Your comments:

Let me see if I understand. In exchange for free healthcare, women are supposed to let midwives and doctors — who have never trained for this procedure on humans — push copper IUDs into their uteruses moments after they stop bleeding after giving birth?

Such monstrous policies would never be proposed if men were the patients — or if women headed the BKKBN. Family planning is important. So, is the health and safety of women. Try again, please.

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