Rabu, 30 November 2011

New Preview for 'Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol'

Blamed for the terrorist bombing of the Kremlin, IMF operative Ethan Hunt is disavowed along with the rest of the agency when the President initiates 'Ghost Protocol.' Left without any resources or backup, Ethan must find a way to clear his agency's name and prevent another attack. To complicate matter's further, Ethan is forced to embark on this mission with a team of fellow IMF fugitives whose personal motives he does not fully know.

Starring: Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg, Paula Patton

Opening nationwide December 21, 2011


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Energi Smartphone Bisa Dihemat 4 Kali Lipat

Metrotvnews.com, Tanzania: Peneliti dari Universitas
Aalto, Finlandia, mengklaim mampu menggenjot efisiensi energi telepon
pintar (smartphone) sampai empat kali lipat. Hal ini tentu
dapat mempercepat akses internet mobile di negara

Tim peneliti asal Finlandia itu mampu memangkas
energi telepon seluler (ponsel) pintar hingga lebih dari 70

Smartphone merupakan ponsel yang dapat menjalankan
aplikasi dan menggunakan Web dengan mudah. Benda ini sedang
digandrungi di seluruh dunia.

Analisis industri dari Gartner
menunjukkan bahwa 115 juta smartphone terjual di seluruh
dunia pada kuartal ketiga tahun ini saja.

"Kunci di balik
penghematan energi baru adalah jaringan proxy yang lebih baik dalam
pengaturan aliran data antara ponsel dan jaringan," terang Jukka
Manner, pimpinan penelitian itu.

Tim berharap dapat menggunakan
kombinasi perangkat lunak baru pada ponsel dan perangkat keras
proxy untuk lebih menghemat energi lebih tinggi

Tim mempresentasikan temuan awal tersebut pada Konferensi
Africomm di Tanzania pada minggu lalu. Manner menjelaskan hasil
penemuan lebih mendalam akan diterbitkan di awal tahun

Para peneliti melakukan usaha itu terdorong dari kasus
di Tanzania, Uganda, dan Kenya yang sulit mengakses internet karena
suplai listrik yang masih terbatas.

Hanya sekitar 11 persen
dari populasi Afrika memiliki akses internet. Namun lebih dari
setengah dari orang-orang di benua ini memiliki ponsel. (MI/*)

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The Jakarta Post | Wed, 11/30/2011 5:50 PM
A | A | A |

Indonesian children jump into the water off a ship at a port in Jakarta, Indonesia, Wednesday. (AP/Tatan Syuflana)Indonesian children jump into the water off a ship at a port in Jakarta, Indonesia, Wednesday. (AP/Tatan Syuflana)

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Wapres AS Mendadak ke Irak

Metrotvnews.com, Baghdad: Wakil Presiden AS Joe Biden
mendadak terbang ke Baghdad, Irak, Selasa atau Rabu (30/11) WIB. Biden
dijadwalkan bertemu para pejabat tinggi Irak, sebelum pasukan AS
meninggalkan Irak.

Kedatangan Biden disambut Duta Besar AS
James Jeffrey dan Jenderal Lloyd Austin, komandan pasukan AS-Irak
(USF-I). Dia, kata fotografer AFP, lalu menaiki sebuah
helikopter menuju Kedubes AS di Baghdad.

Gedung Putih merilis,
saat berada di Irak, Biden akan memimpin pertemuan Komite Koordinasi
Tinggi AS-Irak. Ia juga akan bertemu Perdana Menteri Nuri al-Maliki,
Presiden Jalal Talabani, (dan) Juru bicara Osama

"Wakil presiden juga akan berpartisipasi dalam,
dan memberi komentar pada, sebuah even untuk mengenang pengorbanan dan
pencapaian pasukan AS dan Irak."

Ini adalah kunjungan kedelapan
Biden ke Irak sejak terpilih sebagai wakil presiden. Kunjungan Biden
sebelumnya tak pernah diumumkan Gedung Putih. Tapi ia telah ditunjuk
menjadi orang yang bertanggung jawab oleh Presiden Barack Obama untuk
mengawasi penarikan semua pasukan AS dari negara itu sebelum akhir
tahun ini.

Kunjungannya ke Irak akan diikuti dengan lawatan ke
Turki dan Yunani, dimana ia akan menekan para pemimpin mengenai
keprihatinan AS di Timur Tengah, termasuk penindasan di Suriah, dan di
Eropa, di tengah kekhawatiran krisis utang zona euro.

jadwalnya yang dipublikasikan, even Biden berikutnya sesudah Irak
mulai di Ankara Jumat, ketika dia dijadwalkan akan bertemu dengan
Perdana Menteri Turki Recep Tayyip Erdogan dan Presiden Abdullah

Setelah Turki, Biden akan pergi ke Athena Senin untuk
pembicaraan dengan para pejabat dan pemimpin partai

Obama pada 21 Oktober mengumumkan bahwa pasukan AS akan
meninggalkan Irak sebelum akhir 2011, mengakhiri perang hampir
sembilan tahun yang telah mengakibatkan ribuan pasukan AS dan puluhan
ribu orang Irak tewas, dan menghabiskan biaya ratusan miliar

Sekitar 13.800 pasukan AS masih berada di negara itu,
dan tujuh pangkalan AS masih harus diserahkan, menurut juru bicara
USF-I Mayor Jenderal Jeffrey Buchanan.(Ant/ICH)

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Selasa, 29 November 2011

Tips Pacaran Jarak Jauh

DALAM sebuah hubungan asmara, pacaran jarak jauh
kerap menjadi sebuah tantangan. Beberapa menyerah, tapi yang lain
justru bersikukuh pacaran model ini dapat memperkuat ikatan dengan

Ingin tahu bagaimana hubungan bisa langgeng meski tak
berada di kota yang sama? Dilansir dari
, berikut beberapa tips yang patut

1. Manfaatkan teknologi untuk
Komunikasi yang baik adalah kunci dari suatu
hubungan. Dengan perkembangan teknologi saat ini, Anda bisa
mengefektifkan komunikasi dengan memaksimalkan fungsi telepon, email,
skype, jejaring sosial, hingga instant messengers. Terlepas dari
kelebihan dan kekurangan dari setiap alat komunikasi tersebut,
pilihlah yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda.

2. Berbagi momen
Butuh banyak cinta dan kesabaran untuk membuat pacaran
jarak jauh bisa berhasil. Mulailah merekam momen-momen penting yang
mengesankan di antara Anda dan pacar lewat foto maupun video. Selain
itu, Anda juga bisa mengirimkan rekaman suara Anda padanya, lho. Untuk
dapat terus bertahan,pastikan pasangan bisa merasakan kehadiran Anda,
meski sebenarnya berjauhan secara fisik.

3. Hobi Bisa
Menghidupkan Hubungan.
Anda tentu ingin terus melakukan hobi, kan?
Sangat menyenangkan jika Anda dan pasangan bisa memiliki hobi sama.
Saat berjauhan, Anda dan pasangan bisa sibuk dengan hobi masing-masing
tapi tetap bisa bertukar cerita.

4. Rencanakan Saling
Dalam hubungan jarak jauh, tak ada yang lebih
menyenangkan selain dapat bertemu langsung dengan orang yang kita
cintai. Agendakan pertemuan dengan kekasih agar bisa saling melepas
rindu. Karena dijamin, ini akan membuat hubungan lebih

5. Kejutan.
Siapkan kejutan untuk orang terkasih.
Selain menjaga cinta Anda, memberikan hadiah adalah salah satu
caranya. Bunga, kartu ucapan, atau jam tangan itu sudah biasa. Jadi,
cobalah mencari ide kreatif lainnya, ya.(*****)

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Internal Microsoft projects get codename love, too

The latest version of my Microsoft Codename Tracker chart is done and ready for download.

The theme of the month is internal codenames at Microsoft. Think about it: Why should only commercial and research projects get all the Redmondian codename love? They don’t. There are some Microsoft projects that aren’t ever meant for public consumption that have received the codename treatment, too. I profile a couple of them — Cosmos and D2 — in the introduction to this month’s codename tracker update.

This PDF is the same chart I use myself to keep up with the codenames of products and technologies coming from Microsoft. This newest version adds a number of new database- and cloud-specific codenames, plus updates to a number of the already-existing entries.

If you’ve already registered on ZDNet, you can just grab the latest version. If you haven’t, registration info will be requested before you download it. Whether you’re a Microsoft customer, partner, analyst, competitor (or even employee), you might find the Tracker useful.

New to the July edition are codenames like Daytona, Emondex, Metallica, O and Nuggets. I’ve also updated many of the existing entries, including but not limited to, BizTalk, Denali, Dryad, Mango and Roslyn.

If there’s a codename missing from my chart that you’d like me to check out and ultimately add, please don’t hesitate to contact me via e-mail. Just so you know: All e-mails I receive are treated as confidential — unless you want a mention/credit line, of course.

Meanwhile, if you’d like to get posts from “All About Microsoft” in e-mail form (hourly, daily or weekly), you can subscribe here. And if you are all about Twitter, you can follow me there, as well.

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Windows Phone: Marketplace passes 40,000 and Amazon may join smartphone race

I tracked and wrote about the quickly growing Windows Phone Marketplace in my WP Wednesday posts for months and will get back in the groove again soon. The great news is that development continues at a great pace with new hardware hitting the streets as there are now over 40,000 apps to choose from. There is also a rumor that Amazon may launch a WP smartphone in late 2012. Mary Jo also mentioned some updates for existing devices and last night I gained WiFi tethering capability on my first generation HTC HD7.

Windows Phone Marketplace

Microsoft launched the new Windows Phone 7 operating system and devices in October 2010 and at the one year anniversary they had about 35,000 apps. I have every app I need on my Windows Phone devices and am really not missing anything I can think of with most apps looking spectacular with the Metro UI. All About Windows Phone estimates that Microsoft could pass the 50,000 mark in January at the rate that apps are hitting the market right now.

Games are always the hot sellers and look to be the top category for Windows Phone too. There are several plots of the data on the AAWP site so check it out if you are interested in the fine details.

Amazon Smartphone?

Amazon just release their first Android-based tablet with the Kindle Fire and now there are rumors that they may be considering the launch of a smartphone. Accoridng to the rumor on Forbes.com a hardware research analyst made the claim so I am not ready to line up for a phone or anything right now. Looking at the Foxconn Technologies manufacturing channels, it seems this device may have a 4 inch display, 8 megapixel camera, and Windows Phone OS with a TI OMAP4 processor.

It seems that Amazon succeeds in large part due to their ecosystem so I don’t really see how they can integrate this into a Windows Phone ecosystem. Right now, Amazon products work well on Android devices where there is no single ecosystem, but then again Microsoft has been fairly open with Windows Phone and allows competing music clients and streaming video services so they may be open to things such as the Amazon MP3 store and more. Do you think there is any merit to this rumor?

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Rice review

Rice review
The Jakarta Post | Mon, 10/31/2011 12:12 PM
A | A | A |

Rice review: US Ambassador to Indonesia Scot Marciel (front right) shakes hands with Lumbung Padi president director Fara Luwia after the company signed a loan with the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) for long-term financing for a US$21 million state-of-the-art rice milling facility in Mojokerto, East Java. Looking on are (back row, left to right) US Embassy agricultural counselor Denis Voboril, Lumbung Padi managing director Michael Wirani, Seacor director Robert Totah and US Embassy economic counselor Jim Carouso. Courtessy of US Embassy

US Ambassador to Indonesia Scot Marciel (front right) shakes hands with Lumbung Padi president director Fara Luwia after the company signed a loan with the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) for long-term financing for a US$21 million state-of-the-art rice milling facility in Mojokerto, East Java. Looking on are (back row, left to right) US Embassy agricultural counselor Denis Voboril, Lumbung Padi managing director Michael Wirani, Seacor director Robert Totah and US Embassy economic counselor Jim Carouso. Courtessy of US Embassy

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Do you share your videogame controller?

It came up again today, the old argument.

My husband, David, and I were shopping at the GameStop, intending to take advantage of their buy-two-get-one-free-on-preowned-games sale.

Since we have both an Xbox 360 (the console he prefers) and a Playstation 3 (the console I prefer), we were trying to decide what platform to get the games for.

Usually if it’s a game he wants to play but I don’t really care about, it’s purchased for the Xbox 360. If it’s a game that I want to play but he doesn’t really care about, it’s purchased for the Playstation 3.

Today, however, the games he had chosen were ones we’re both very interested in playing.

Our individual console preferences seem to boil down to controller, although I must admit that I like my PS3 trophy collection because it makes me happy to see all my trophies in one place.

David doesn’t care about trophies. He has a slight preference for the Xbox controller (he thinks it’s a little better for a beefy guy’s hand).

I, on the other hand, absolutely and completely heart the Playstation controller (it’s lightweight and fits my smaller hands perfectly). I love my PS3 controller to the point where I kind of avoid the Xbox (for which we have two good controllers).

He’s actually perfectly fine with playing PS3 games. I’m cool with that. I’m happy to share the console. But I don’t like anyone touching my controller. Period.

Yeah, we have two PS3 controllers, but the one that sits in the back of the wireless charger is the crappy older one that usually gets upgraded when it starts acting up.

It’s way more fun to use the nice, attractive, reliable satin silver DUALSHOCK one I splurged on last time I was in the market for a new controller. And I get all tense when he uses it. It just feels creepy when anybody else uses it.

Especially if that person is snacking on anything. I get exasperated and accuse him of “schmutzing up” the controller. I clean it with alcohol preps and give him dirty looks. I am the same way about sharing computer mice. It just gives me the willies.

This hurts my sweetheart’s feelings. He is offended. He takes it personally. He thinks its insane. This from the man who won’t share a bar of soap. Seriously. Why not? Soap is self-cleaning, isn’t it?

I do have to admit that it is neurotic. I mean, I love holding hands with him. I’m thrilled to have him touch me, so why can’t I stand his hands on my videogame controller? It makes no sense, but I would sooner lend him my toothbrush, and I think that’s nasty.

Control freak

I embarrass my husband by getting everyone’s attention and taking an informal poll of the customers and employees of the GameStop on whether they like to share their controller.

The reactions of the folks in the store ranged from apathy, “Why would I care?” to outright disgust, “No way!” and “I don’t want anyone else’s hand juice on my controller.” Hey, I didn’t say it, the store clerk did. I mean, I never thought about it in exactly those terms before, but it gave me the shivers when she said it.

Yes, it’s true, in terms of health concerns, videogame controllers are a hotbed for germs. If you don’t believe me, Google it. If your kids invite their friends over and frequently share controllers, be sure to disinfect those items regularly. But for me, I guess it’s really all about the hand juice, and its resulting residue (whether real or imagined).

We left the store with three preowned Playstation 3 games, and a new, shiny, red DUALSHOCK controller for him. Our wallets were $50 lighter, but you can’t put a price on the security of knowing your controller is your own. Or the peace and goodwill that comes from no longer arguing over the controller.

If the special someone in your life is schmutzing up your controller, Christmas is coming. It’s a great time to get him (or her) a shiny new one of their own.

All these control issues have me wondering if this is a big thing for people. How do you feel about sharing your controller?

Please share more about how you feel about this personal preference in the TalkBacks below. It’s fascinating.

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Is the Amazon penny smartphone sale too good to be true?

I was at the Windows Phone Inner Circle event in Seattle last night and several folks mentioned they were going to try to pick up one of the new AT&T Windows Phones through Amazon for a penny. You have probably heard of this penny sale, but if you are reading this blog, or were at the geeky phone event last night, it is highly likely that it doesn’t apply to you or millions of other Americans. You see, the big caveat here is that you must be a new subscriber or add another new line. In looking at the recent CTIA report that states the number of subscriber connections has surpassed the U.S. population it seems to me there are not that many new subscribers or new lines left. Thus, Amazon is getting lots of press for this penny sale that is extremely limiting.

New customers those of you that have a family plan and then add a new line (remember you are limited to five) can get the penny phones, but keep in mind that Amazon shows adding a line creates a new contract and any grandfathered deal you have goes away. I am grandfathered into unlimited data on Verizon Wireless so I pay full price for my phones now to keep that contract intact. If you are already a subscriber then you need to agree to a contract extension and pay a much higher price (dependent on how much time you have left on your contract) for a new phone. The deals sound amazing considering that just about any smartphone other than an iPhone is covered. Also, there are no deals for new T-Mobile subscribers.

While it is great to save a couple hundred dollars on a phone, keep in mind the cost of the phone is just a small percentage of your 2-year committment. I recommend you try not to worry too much about saving $50 to $100 and instead buy the best phone you can that you can count on lasting for the two years of your contract.

If you are upgrade eligible than also make sure to check out sales at other online vendors such as Wirefly (I bought a couple phones from them and have been very happy with their service and support) and RadioShack (they perform upgrades through the carrier backend and offer free phones too).

I would love to see a carrier or online retailer step up and offer some deals for existing subscribers that could include a contract extension too. As fast as the mobile space moves, those of us who enjoy using our smartphones like upgrading every 6 months, one year, or in my case even every couple of months. I understand that they would have to subsidize such offers, but they make most of their money in the monthly fees we pay and offering early upgrade deals helps keep customers with the carrier.

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Senin, 28 November 2011

Those who want to speak about Papua should first know the facts

Those who want to speak about Papua should first know the
Puguh Sadadi, London | Thu, 11/24/2011 10:06 AM
A | A | A |

The call by Eni F. H. Faleomavaega and Donald M. Payne in The Jakarta Post on Nov. 18 on Indonesia to “Step up and end systematic abuses in ‘West Papua’” is another example of one those apparently eloquent opinion pieces, full of emotion but short on facts, produced by supporters of secession of the Indonesian part of the island of Papua.

Let’s try to deal with Faleomavaega’s and Payne’s arguments, where emotion and misinformation, either due to ignorance or as a deliberate move, have replaced the facts.

There is no country, and there has never been a country, called West Papua; neither has there been a country with a similar name.

Historically, there was the Dutch — or western — part of the island of New Guinea, as it was called, of the former Netherlands East Indies (NEI), in the same way as there is now an Indonesian part of the island of Papua. The eastern half is now the independent state of Papua New Guinea (PNG).

Inhabitants of both halves of the island are now being called Papuans, who are indeed related to the Melanesian peoples of the South Pacific. But, over the centuries and increasingly in recent times, other peoples from nearby East and Southeast Asia and Europeans have settled in both parts of the island of Papua.

Without any substantiation, Faleomavaega and Payne allege that on Oct. 19, “Indonesian security forces opened fire” on so-called “West Papuans”, killing “at least three”, who had gathered at the third Papuan People’s Congress. The facts regarding these tragic deaths are still under investigation. Such an isolated incident cannot be regarded as systematic abuse without substantial evidence.

In contrast, systematic attacks by the Free Papua Movement, which have killed many Papuan police officers, were never raised by Faleomavaega and Payne.

Indonesia’s media and public relations in regard to its domestic problems might not be as thorough as the US media management in detailing the cases of military abuse in Afghanistan and Iraq, but Indonesia is indeed moving forward to strengthen its democracy and protect its own people.

Other people were apparently detained after the Papuan Peo-ple’s Congress, including Forkorus Yaboisembut, the self-styled, newly elected “President” of the so-called “Republic Federal State of West Papua”.

People who are intent to start an insurgency and a secessionist movement can expect a firm response under the jurisdiction of any state; Filep Karma was imprisoned in 2004 for raising a flag that symbolizes insurgency and secession.

For instance, in the respective federal republics of Germany and Austria, displaying flags and symbols of the former “Third Reich” is illegal and is a punishable crime! In this particular case, the level of punishment may need further judicial review to create balanced justice and security.

Faleomavaega and Payne continue with the usual misrepresentation of the historical facts to suit the narrative of the supporters of the secessionist movement, the minority in the Indonesian part of the island of Papua, and their equally small but vociferous foreign supporters.

So-called “West Papua” was not “handed over to Indonesia” by what some are trying to ridicule as the 1969 “Act of No Choice”.

On the contrary, this was the end of a long, slow and painful — for all those concerned — process of decolonization in the former NEI, following the proclamation of Indonesian independence on Aug. 17, 1945, because of Dutch intransigence and obstructionism in recognizing that the Republik Indonesia was the legitimate sovereign successor of the territory, including the western part of the island of Papua, under the principle of uti posseditis juris, which was endorsed by the UN as the guiding legal principle for decolonization.

The Dutch authorities had to be brought kicking and screaming by the UN, the US and Australia between 1945 and 1949, and again during 1959-1962, before accepting the legally and historically inevitable.

And it is equally unhistorical by Faleomavaega and Payne to suggest that prior to the Dutch colonial conquest there were no historical and cultural ties between the peoples of Papua and those of Sumatra, Java and Bali; archaeological, historical and anthropological evidence, in fact, point to long-standing and lively contacts.

It was the Europeans, such as the Portuguese and the Dutch, who gave the name of New Guinea to the island of Papua because the skin color of its inhabitants reminded them of the peoples they had met on the Guinea littoral of West Africa.

Indeed, the peoples of a Pacific (Melanesian and Polynesian) ethnic and cultural background live in the “Great East” of Indonesia, as they have historically done so in the past; in the same way as people with cultural and ethnic links to Southeast Asia and beyond have historically lived in the western part of the Indonesian archipelago.

It is Western colonialism and imperialism that ultimately divided peoples of similar ethnic and cultural backgrounds, such as, for instance, the Malay of Sumatra and the Malaccan Peninsula, or the peoples of northern Kalimantan, all of which now make up the Malaysian federation, from the rest of Kalimantan, as much as the peoples of the island of Papua became divided.

The desire to undo the course of history unilaterally and through physical force will only create mayhem and havoc.

It is therefore disingenuous and duplicitous of Faleomavaega and Payne to allege that whatever grievances as exist in Papua are caused by “racism”, invoking as they do the words of Nelson Mandela to support their argument, when he fought tooth and nail against the division of South Africa along racial lines and for the establishment of the Republic of South Africa as a “Rainbow Nation”!

The Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia equally cherishes diversity and officially guarantees equal rights, culturally and otherwise, for its people of different cultural traditions.

Whatever grievances may exist in the present, or may have taken place in the past, about the “1969 Act”, or allegations of human rights abuses, environmental degradation and economic underdevelopment, they must be solved peacefully and constitutionally within that context.

The writer is an Indonesian diplomat based in London, UK. The views expressed are his own.

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Mancini Dipenjara karena Kasus Perkosaan

Metrotvnews.com, Roma: Mantan winger AS Roma, Inter
Milan, dan AC Milan, Amantino Mancini, divonis hukuman penjara dua
tahun delapan bulan setelah dinyatakan bersalah oleh pengadilan Italia
dalam kasus pemerkosaan. Berita itu dilansir kantor berita

Kejahatan seksual terhadap seorang wanita muda asal
Brasil tersebut dilakukan winger 31 tahun yang sekarang berstatus
pemain Atletico Mineiro itu di apartemen pribadinya di Milano pada
Desember tahun lalu.

Kawan Mancini, Geraro Eugenio do
Nascimento, juga diganjar hukuman penjara selama sepuluh bulan karena
berusaha memaksa sang korban tak melaporkan kejadian tersebut kepada

Dalam proses peradilan, pengoleksi enam cap untuk
Seleccao itu selalu mengklaim dirinya tak bersalah. Ia menegaskan
hubungan intim dengan wanita yang pertama kali dikenalnya dalam sebuah
pesta yang digelar Ronaldinho, rekan senegara dan mantan teman setim
ketika menjalani masa peminjaman di Milan, tersebut terjalin atas
dasar suka sama suka.

Karier Mancini di Italia dimulai bersama
Venezia yang meminangnya dari Mineiro pada bursa transfer musim dingin
2003. Hanya merumput selama enam bulan di Venezia, ia kemudian hijrah
ke AS Roma dan menjadi salah satu personel reguler I Lupi selama lima

Peruntungan Mancini merosot drastis setelah direkrut
Inter pada awal musim 2008/09. Gagal mempersembahkan performa terbaik,
Mancini bahkan sempat dipinjamkan ke Milan sebelum akhirnya bergabung
kembali ke Mineiro. (goal.com/DOR)

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Joe Galaxy: "Live In The Moment"

When was the last time you tried something new and what was it? The last time I tried something new was last year. I bought a Steinway & Sons baby grand piano completely out of the blue and I had someone come in and teach me lessons. This was the first time I’d touched a piano since I was a kid and my mother unsuccessfully tried to make me do it. It has definitely been a challenge…I’m not gonna say I’m great at it…. but I can do “Mary Had A Little Lamb!”  It’s also just cool to have a baby grand in your living room.  

What can you do today that you were not capable of doing a year ago? Today I can be seen and heard and that wasn’t the case a year ago. My art can be seen and heard with my song “Bankroll” ft. Renegade Foxxx on the radio, performances and we also have a national TV appearance coming up, and these are all huge things for an artist.  

If you had to get a message out to a large group of people, what would your message be? I would say to live in the moment. The past no longer exists. We can never go back to yesterday and the future hasn’t happened yet so the only thing that does exist is the moment we are in right now. So live in the moment, go hard and go for it.  

If you could choose one book as a recommended read, what would it be? TV Show? Movie? Why? I used to make a Joe Galaxy must read book list since I’m an avid reader but if I had to pick one it would be “The Master Key System,” which is actually available as a free download on the internet. I choose that because it really teaches how your mind and reality interact. I learned that you literally create your own reality. I always discuss what I’m reading though so to check out some more of my favorites visit my site www.joegalaxy.net. 

As far as TV shows go, I watch TV for fun, so I love Survivor and I’ve probably seen every single episode of every season and would even consider doing it one day since it would be a great adventure. I also love Saturday Night Live since I’m also a comedic actor, one of my goals is to perform on the show and do skits with Kristin Wiig.

Movie wise I would say The Matrix since I think it is a good analogy or metaphor for the world we live in. It’s an eye opener if you let it be.

What are three things fans may not know about you? Lets see, one is that as I said, I am an avid reader, I’ve always been a bookworm. Secondly I am an indigo type person meaning I’m more intuitive or more in touch with my spiritual self. Lastly is how much I LOVE pizza. My trainer has me on a diet but I have to have pizza once a week.  

Who is your fav TV couple? I’d say Johnny Knoxville and Stev-O!

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Beckham sneaks into Jakarta, avoids fans at airport

Beckham sneaks into Jakarta, avoids fans at airport
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Mon, 11/28/2011 12:43 PM
A | A | A |

(AP)(AP)Activities at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport in Tangerang, Banten,eased momentarily with the arrival of English soccer player David Beckham on Monday morning.

However, Beckham, who wore a black shirt and was surrounded by six bodyguards, was only seen briefly and did not greet fans.

Beckham was also immediately taken to a minibus provided by the steering committee welcoming him after he arrived at Gate 2D, a deliberate move to avoid fans who were waiting to greet the world-class soccer player.

Beckham, together with Landon Donovan and Robbie Keane from LA Galaxy soccer team, is in Jakarta for a friendly match against the Indonesia Selection team at Gelora Bung Karno Stadium in Central Jakarta on Wednesday, tribunnews.com reported.

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Central Jakarta Installed New Street Lights in 327 Points

Central Jakarta Industry and Energy Sub-Department installed new
street lights in all sub-districts in Central Jakarta as an effort in
providing comfort for residents. Until now, the street light
installation has been done in 327 points.

Head of Central
Jakarta Industry and Energy Sub-Department Iswandi said this street
light installation is done on behalf of residents’ request. His
officials only entitled to install new street lights in residences or
settlements, while for installation on protocol streets becomes the
authority of Jakarta Industry and Energy Department.

our authority to do installation is only in sub-district or settlement
level. However, we also have obligation to do maintenance and repair
of street lights on protocol streets, such as on Jl. Jenderal
Sudirmand and Jl. Thamrin,” he stated, Monday (11/28).

explained that currently there are 34,518 lamps have been installed in
Central Jakarta. In details, 3,477 lamps in Tanahabang Sub-District,
3,295 lamps in Menteng Sub-District, 4,135 lamps in Senen
Sub-District, 5,420 lamps in Cempakaputih Sub-District, 2,039 lamps in
Joharbaru Sub-District, 4,131 lamps in Kemayoran Sub-District, 4,403
lamps in Sawahbesar Sub-District, 5,368 lamps in Gambir Sub-District,
and 2,250 lamps in Monas area.

He hopes the installation of new
street lights in 327 points is able to provide comfort and security
for residents. He also asks resident to preserve and maintain those
lamps for mutual interest

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17 Points Prone to Puddle in East Jakarta

Entering rainy season, residents who live in areas that crossed by
three big rivers in East Jakarta are asked to be alerted of flood
water from other areas (locally known as banjir kiriman). Based on record of East Jakarta Water
Management Public Works Sub-Department, there are at least 17 points
prone to puddle existed due to Ciliwung, Cipinang, and Sunter river

Sunarto as Head of Maintenance Section for East
Jakarta Water Management Public Works Sub-Department mentioned those
17 points spread in 17 urban villages. 5 points are existed in areas
crossed by Ciliwung River, namely Cililitan Urban Village (RW 06, 15,
16), Cawang Urban Village or precisely at Gg. Arus and Gg. Budi (RW
01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 08), Bidaracina Urban Village (RW 03, 05, 06, 07,
11, 14), Kampungmelayu Urban Village (RW 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07,
08), and Kebonmanggis Urban Village (RT 01, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12 RW

“For areas that are crossed by Cipinang River, maximum
puddles occurred in 10 points due to their locations are haven’t
touched by East Flood Canal (KBT). But for areas that already crossed
by KBT, it is ensured no more puddle occurred there,” said Sunarto,
Thursday (11/24).

He continued that the 10 puddle points are
located in Cibubur Urban Village (RW 03, 05, 10, 12), Kelapadua Wetan
Urban Village (RW 01, 02, 03, 05, 11), Ciracas Urban Village (RW 03,
06, 07), Kampungrambutan Urban Village (RW 01, 02, 03, 04), Bumi
Harapan Indah Residence, Kramatjati Urban Village (RW 11), Makasar
Urban Village (RW 04, 05, 07), Halim Perdana Kusuma (RW 06), Kebon
Pala Urban Village (RW 10 and 11), and Pekayon Urban Village (RW

As for puddle points that crossed by Sunter River are
located in Cipinangmelayu Urban Village (RW 03, 04, 05, 06, 07),
Pondokbambu Urban Village (RW 04), and Cipinangindah area.

Jakarta Mayor Murdhani said his officials have done flood
socialization to the society, especially residents who live in areas
prone to flood. “Resident’s alertness must be improved. We also have
anticipated by providing officers as well as flood handling
equipments,” he stated.

According to him, their preparation
consists of 6,326 joint officers, 56 robber boats, 42 platoon tents,
189 folding beds, 8 generators, 3 feces trucks, dozens of handy talky,
352 life jackets, 64 paddles, public kitchens, etc

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Ratusan Rumah di Karawang Dihajar Beliung

Metrotvnews.com, Karawang: Ratusan rumah di Desa
Kutanagara dan Desa Mulyasari, Kecamatan Ciampel, Karawang, Jawa
Barat, rusak dihajar puting beliung, Senin (28/11). Kerusakan umumnya
pada bagian atap.

Jumlah rumah yang rusak masih didata. Di Desa
Kutanagara saja, kata Kanitreskrim Polsek Ciampel Ajun Inspektur
Polisi Satu Sampurno, ada 140 rumah yang rusak. Satu rumah di
antaranya ringsek terhantam tiang listrik. Sementara di Desa
Mulyasari, sedikitnya enam rumah rusak.

Menurut Sampurno,
selain merusak rumah angin super kencang juga menumbangkan sejumlah
pohon dan reklame di sisi jalan arteri Karawang Timur.

Nandang, saksi mata, menuturkan, awalnya angin kencang datang
memutar dari Desa Gintungkerta, Kecamatan Klari. Bayu kemudian memutar
dan menumbangkan banyak pohon dan sejumlah reklame.

Pohon dan
reklame tumbang tak hanya terjadi di Desa Gintungkerja. Banyak pohon
dan papan reklame di sisi jalan raya dari Desa Warung Bambu sampai
Desa Gintungkerja, ambruk. Angin kencang di tengah hujan deras pun
memutus aliran listrik.

Kondisi itu juga membuat "traffic
light" atau lampu pengatur lalu lintas di pertigaan menuju gerbang Tol
Karawang Timur dan Karawang Kota ikut mati.

Kemacetan panjang
pun terjadi akibat matinya lampu pengatur lalu lintas di pertigaan
menuju gerbang Tol Karawang Timur dan Karawang Kota tersebut. Sebab,
masing-masing pengendara mobil dan motor saling rebutan melintasi
pertigaan itu.(Ant/ICH)

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Minggu, 27 November 2011

Jakarta TP PKK Encourages Planting in Pots

As Jakarta Provincial Government partner in achieving society welfare,
Jakarta Empowerment and Family Welfare Driving Team (TP PKK) always
keeps trying to help and find solution to achieve it. For instance is
nutrition fulfillment, where Jakarta TP PKK encourages PKK cadres and
residents to overcome land limitation by optimizing pots as means to
plant vegetables.

“Planting vegetables in pots is a smart and
practical step to fulfill family nutrition,” stated Head of Jakarta TP
PKK Tatiek Fauzi Bowo during Family Empowerment Road Show at RW 01,
Pela Mampang, Mampang Prapatan, Wednesday (11/16).

Moreover she
said that pots can be planted with leafy vegetables, fruits, beans,
flowers, shoots, and tubers. By doing so, the vegetables planted in
pots will be healthier compared to vegetables in the market because
free from pesticide. “Planting in pots is the answer of land
limitation in Jakarta,” she added.

Planting vegetables in pots
campaign is Jakarta PKK effort to preserve the environment and its
resident’s health. It is proven that citizen’s life expectancy rate
now is relatively higher than other districts in Indonesia. “For women
is 77 years and men 70 years,” she explained.

PKK as an
institution which complete and support Jakarta Provincial Government
programs is expected to help increasing life quality of residents in
sectors of environment, family food resilience, and healthcare.
“Hopefully, by running PKK integrated program, Jakarta residents will
be free from poverty,” she expressed

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Breaking Dawn Part 1 Premiere Interviews

The entire cast is here! Watch their red carpet interviews before watching the film tonight (or possibly for the second time today).

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Ketua KPUD Malut Jadi Tersangka

Metrotvnews.com, Ternate: Ketua Komisi Pemilihan Umum
Daerah (KPUD) Maluku Utara (Malut) Azis Kharie ditetapkan sebagai
tersangka oleh Kepolisian Daerah (Polda) Malut. Ia menjadi tersangka
kasus pemalsuan dokumen Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah (Pemilu Kada)
Kabupaten Pulau Morotai. "Benar, Dia (Azis) telah ditetapkan sebagai
tersangka, terkait pemalsuan dokumen Pemillukada Pulau Morotai," kata
AKBP Ramli, Kabid Humas Polda Malut, Minggu (27/11).

Ramli, penetapan Azis sebagai tersangka setelah melalui beberapa kali
pemeriksaan oleh tim penyidik dari Reserse Kriminal Umum (Reskrimum)
Polda Malut. Sebelumnya, tim penyidik juga telah melakukan serangkaian
pemeriksaan terhadap sejumlah saksi, yakni terhadap empat anggota KPUD
Provinsi Malut maupun lima anggota KPUD Kabupaten Pulau

Dari hasil penyidikan tersebut, Azis terbukti secara
sah melangar Pasal 263 KUHP ayat 1 dan 2 dengan ancaman 6 tahun
penjara, karena melakukan tindakan pemalsuan dokumen, berupa berita
acara palsu pemberhentian seluruh anggota KPUD Pulau Morotai. Azis
juga terbukti merekayasa surat hasil rapat pleno palsu, atas nama KPUD
Malut, kepada gubernur untuk diteruskan kepada Menteri Dalam Negeri,
agar mempercepat proses pelantikan Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Pulau
Morotai, Rusli Sibua-Weni Paraisu.

Atas perbuatannya tersebut,
Azis dilaporkan ke Polda Malut oleh lima anggota KPUD Morotai. Dalam
pemeriksaan oleh penyidik, Azis mengakui kalau surat pemberhentian
tersebut atas inisiatif dirinya tanpa melibatkan empat Anggota KPUD
Provinsi lainnya.

"Dari keterangan saksi maupun Azis sendiri,
serta bukti-bukti petunjuk, jelas terbukti tidak ada pleno
pemberhentian anggota KPUD Morotai. Azis juga atas nama KPUD Provinsi
Malut secara sah terbukti memalsukan dokumen seakan akan telah terjadi
pleno penetapan pasangan Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Pulau Morotai, untuk
mempercepat proses pelantikan, yang seharunya menjadi tanggung jawab
dan kewenangan KPUD Pulau Morotai," kata salah satu penyidik Polda

Proses Pemilu Kada Pulau Morotai sempat memanas karena
hasil Pleno KPUD Pulau Morotai pada 20 Juli yang menetapkan pasangan
Arsad Sardan-Demianus Ice sebagai pemenang pemilu kada daerah
tersebut. Namun, kemudian digugat oleh pasangan Rusli Sibua-Weni
Paraisu ke Mahkamah Konstitusi.

MK lalu menganulir keputusan
KPUD Morotai, dan menetapkan pasangan Rusli-Weni sebagai pemenang.
Keputusan MK itu ditolak KPUD Morotai, dengan tidak melakukan pleno
penetapan untuk mempercepat proses pelantikan, karena menganggap telah
terjadi pemalsuan data maupun saksi pada siding MK tersebut.(MI/BEY)

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Best Buy releases more HDTV deals from its Black Friday ad

Best Buy enjoys being sneaky with its Black Friday ads, waiting to serve up part two after you’ve had time to digest the leaking of the first part of the advertisement. This year is no different, as the electronics retailer has released the second half of its Black Friday sales, including several more HDTV specials.

Was it worth the wait for potential buyers? Unfortunately, not in all cases. That’s because several of the Black Friday TV deals aren’t offering significant savings over competitors, even today in some cases. For instance, the 47-inch LG 47LV4400 LED-backlit LCD will sell for $699.99 at Best Buy on Friday, but you can already buy it for $677 at Amazon and Walmart. Likewise, the 55-inch LG 55LW5300 bundle with 3D Blu-ray player and four pairs of 3D glasses is a $1,299.99 Best Buy special, but Amazon is currently selling it for $1,199. And the 59-inch Samsung PN59D550C1 plasma will run $1,197.99, but you can purchase it now for $1,199.99 from B&H and Crutchfield with no tax and free shipping.

Even worse, a few deals aren’t even deals compared to what Best Buy is selling them for right now. You save a measly two bucks on the 51-inch Samsung PN51D530 1080p plasma for $647.99, and you don’t save anything on the 32-inch Sony Bravia KDL-32BX320 LCD at $348.99.

In other words, you may be better off with some of the deals from the rest of Best Buy’s Black Friday ad, like a 42-inch 1080p Sharp LCD TV for just $199.99 and the 46-inch 720p Panasonic TC-P46X3 for $399.99. Or maybe the retailer will spring some surprise sales on us.

[Image: BFAds.net]

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Sabtu, 26 November 2011

Seluruh Jamaah Haji Indonesia Tinggalkan Makkah 1 Desember

Metrotvnews.com, Makkah: Seluruh jamaah haji
Indonesia akan meninggalkan Makkah pada 1 Desember 2011. Saat itu
tidak ada lagi jamaah yang masih berada di kota suci tersebut. "Pada
saat itu diharapkan sudah tidak ada lagi jamaah haji Indonesia di Kota
Makkah karena sudah bergerak ke Madinah atau Jeddah untuk kembali ke
Tanah Air," kata Kepala Daerah Kerja Makkah Arsyad Hidayat di Makkah,
Arab Saudi, Ahad (27/11).

Menurut Hidayat, sampai saat ini
masih ada puluhan ribu jamaah Indonesia yang berada di Makkah. Mereka
menunggu keberangkatan ke Madinah untuk Arbaik. Ada juga yang menunggu
keberangkatan ke Jeddah untuk pulang ke Indonesia.

Jamaah haji
yang saat ini ada di Makkah dan hendak pulang merupakan gelombang
kedua. Mereka sudah ke Madinah sebelumnya untuk Arbain. Sementara
jamaah Indonesia yang akan ke Madinah masuk dalam gelombang kedua dan
sebelumnya belum Arbain.

Jamaah haji Indonesia yang masih ada
di Makkah 28.582 orang dan di Madinah 54.649 orang. "Kita upayakan
tidak ada jamaah haji Indonedia yang tertinggal menjalankan ibadah dan
seluruhnya bisa terangkut dan kembali ke Tanah Air," kata Hidayat.

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UNESCO officially recognizes Saman Dance as part of world heritage

UNESCO officially recognizes Saman Dance as part of world
The Jakarta Post, Jakarta | Thu, 11/24/2011 1:44 PM
A | A | A |

Saman DanceSaman DanceUNESCO officially recognized Aceh’s traditional Saman Dance as an intangible element of world cultural heritage during a session in Bali on Thursday.

The decision was announced during the sixth session of UNESCO’s Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, taking place in Bali from Nov. 22 to 29.

“The UNESCO secretariat, and then NGOs and experts, have checked the documents [on Saman Dance], and we proposed them to the session in Bali this morning,“ Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry spokesman I Gusti Ngurah Putra said in a press statement on Thursday.

“And thank God [Saman] was declared as having met the requirements. Saman has been officially included in the list of intangible cultural heritage, which needs UNESCO’s urgent protection,” he added, as quoted by Antara.

Indonesia proposed the UNESCO listing of the Saman Dance in March 2010.

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Pekojan Mosque, Witness of Indonesia-Arab Friendship

Most of the people passing along Jl. Pekojan Raya, Tambora, West
Jakarta, probably do not realize about the presence of an old mosque
with high historical values located at the left side of the road. The
mosque is not only known as a place where Islamic teachings spread
from colonial era until now, but also as witness of historical
friendship between Indonesia and Middle East nations, particularly
Arabians. No wonder if Pekojan area, where the mosque located, is
called as Arab Village

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Jumat, 25 November 2011

KJK-PEMK Program is Still Not Optimally Used by Residents

In these last few years, Jakarta Provincial Government has issued
revolving fund program through Urban Village Community Economic
Empowerment Financial Service Cooperative (KJK-PEMK) in urban village
level in order to move resident’s economic wheels. Unfortunately,
until now not many citizens know the procedure for the program

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Cloud procurement services give OSU Medical Center wins on buyer savings and process productivity

Public Works Department Repairs 64 Water Pumps

Jakarta Public Works Department is currently repairing 64 water pumps
in order to anticipate and accelerate the handling of flood in
Jakarta. The repair works are expected to finish at the end of 2012

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Kamis, 24 November 2011

Marzuki Alie: Sutan mungkin Berniat Menolong

Metrotvnews.com, Jakarta: Wakil Ketua Dewan Pembina
Partai Demokrat Marzuki Alie menyatakan tudingan dugaan korupsi yang
menimpa Sutan Bhatoegana terjadi karena niat bersangkutan untuk
menolong. Mungkin saja bukan dalam konteks bisnis.

"Tanya Pak
Sutan apa benar, kadang-kadang orang dilibatkan mungkin ingin membantu
atau apa, bukan konteks kepentingan bisnis. Saya juga membantu
orang-orang, bukan karena kepentingan," kata Marzuki di gedung DPR/MPR
RI, Jakarta, Jumat (25/11).

Marzuki mencontohkan orang yang
terzalimi. Seorang menteri yang kirim nasi, tapi cuma hanya
menyampaikan lewat komunikasi. Tidak ada kaitannya untuk

"Contoh lain kita mau mengadakan finger print, absen
jempol, saya kaget juga di ruang paripurna hampir harganya Rp4 milyar
lebih. Menurut saya tidak sampai Rp200 juta lebih, bukan berarti saya
ikut bisnis. Pesan saya jelas, kalau saya tidak mahal. Saya dilapori
kaget juga, karena saya punya sekolah harganya Rp1 juta. Paling bagus
Rp80 juta, paling mahal Rp300juta- 400 juta," jelas

Politikus Partai Demokrat Sutan Bhatoegana diduga
terlibat terlibat kasus korupsi proyek proyek pengadaan dan pemasangan
solar home system (SHS) di Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral.
Sutan membantah dugaan itu. Ia siap menjadi saksi dalam kasus

"Saya ini hanya ingin membongkar yang tidak benar.
Kok malah saya yang dituduh, bagaimana ini?" kata Sutan. Sutan
menjelaskan, dirinya bersedia menerangkan semua hal yang diketahuinya.
Ia hanya ingin meluruskan tapi mengapa dibawa-bawa.

pihak tender mengira dua perusahaan yang didiskulifikasi itu punya
saya, dan itu salah. Saya tidak kenal mereka," tegas anggota Komisi
VII DPR itu. Sutan menerima tudingan tersebut sebagai amal ibadah.
"Kan sudah saya bantah, jadi biarkanlah itu jadi ladang ibadah saya,"
kata Sutan. (Andhini)

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Kamal Al-Ganzuri Ditunjuk Menjadi PM Mesir

Metrotvnews.com, Kairo: Kamal Al-Ganzuri ditunjuk
menjadi Perdana Menteri baru oleh Dewan Militer Mesir di Kairo, Kamis
(24/11) waktu setempat. Kamal langsung bergegas dengan mencoba
membentuk kabinet baru dan menyelesaikan bentrok antara sipil dan
militer yang tengah melanda Mesir.

Ganzuri telah memimpin
pemerintah Mesir dari 1996 hingga 1999, di bawah presiden terguling
Hosni Mubarak. Ganzuri ditunjuk setelah Dewan Militer menerima
pengunduran diri Essam Sharaf pada Selasa lalu.

pemberontakan rakyat awal tahun ini yang menjatuhkan Mubarak, Ganzuri
menjauhkan dirinya dari bekas pemimpin itu dalam satu wawancara
televisi, yang mendorong beberapa halaman Facebook untuk
merekomendasikan dia sebagai seoran calon presiden pada masa

Ganzuri, lahir pada 1933, menjabat sebagai menteri
perencanaan dan kerja sama internasional sebelum masa jabatan
pertamanya sebagai perdana menteri. Ia merintis karirnya sendiri
dengan bekerja untuk memperkuat hubungan antara Mesir dan Bank Dunia
serta Dana Moneter Internasional. (Ant/****)

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Nine out of ten teenagers experience bullying and cruelty on Facebook, Twitter

We all know the cruel reality of the world, in that so many of us are not quite as nice as we should be.

But social networking seems to be rife with bullies and unfriendly, anti-social behaviour, according to a new report by Pew, with 88 percent of teenagers having witnessed mean or cruel activity on Facebook and Twitter.

(Source: Flickr, CC)

While nearly a third said they said they saw this kind of behaviour “sometimes”, roughly one in ten said they saw this type of behaviour online “frequently”, amongst the 799 teenagers aged between 12 and 17.

Experts say that combined with the ease of communication and factors of online anonymity, it is as though social networks ‘invite’ in negative commentary and uncouth behaviour from other users.

The research shows that overall, however, that more teenagers reported positive experiences than negative ones from interactions on social networks, with 78 percent reporting at least one good outcome, with 41 percent mentioning a negative outcome.

While Facebook has definitive reporting mechanisms and comments that are profile-linked, and the requirement to use real identities on the social network, Twitter can be used to send anonymous hate messages, and even be used to break super-injunctions and gagging orders.

According to the Washington Post, some can assume an “alter ego” on the web, criminologically speaking this is more prevalent than society often realises.

Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg caused controversy earlier this year when he suggested those under the age of 13 should be allowed to use the social network. Seen as a push towards attaining the billion mark, the idea was highly rebuked by many.

Currently, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) does not allow the collection or retention of data held on any child under the age of 13.Facebook adheres to this policy, but many underage users actively connect to the site on a daily basis. Facebook is said to remove hundreds of profiles a day, belonging to those under the age of 13.

But it would be wrong to blame social networks like Facebook and Twitter and others for online bullying. Of course, they can be blamed for not doing more to combat abusive comments, photos and law-breaking behaviour, but ultimately responsibility must lie with the person using the social networks.

Technology is, after all, merely an intermediary. It is people who cause harm, not technology.


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Jakarta TP PKK Encourages Planting in Pots

As Jakarta Provincial Government partner in achieving society welfare,
Jakarta Empowerment and Family Welfare Driving Team (TP PKK) always
keeps trying to help and find solution to achieve it. For instance is
nutrition fulfillment, where Jakarta TP PKK encourages PKK cadres and
residents to overcome land limitation by optimizing pots as means to
plant vegetables.

“Planting vegetables in pots is a smart and
practical step to fulfill family nutrition,” stated Head of Jakarta TP
PKK Tatiek Fauzi Bowo during Family Empowerment Road Show at RW 01,
Pela Mampang, Mampang Prapatan, Wednesday (11/16).

Moreover she
said that pots can be planted with leafy vegetables, fruits, beans,
flowers, shoots, and tubers. By doing so, the vegetables planted in
pots will be healthier compared to vegetables in the market because
free from pesticide. “Planting in pots is the answer of land
limitation in Jakarta,” she added.

Planting vegetables in pots
campaign is Jakarta PKK effort to preserve the environment and its
resident’s health. It is proven that citizen’s life expectancy rate
now is relatively higher than other districts in Indonesia. “For women
is 77 years and men 70 years,” she explained.

PKK as an
institution which complete and support Jakarta Provincial Government
programs is expected to help increasing life quality of residents in
sectors of environment, family food resilience, and healthcare.
“Hopefully, by running PKK integrated program, Jakarta residents will
be free from poverty,” she expressed

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Kasir Pembobol Kartu Kredit Dicokok Polisi

Metrotvnews.com, Badung: Seorang kasir di sebuah
pusat perbelanjaan di Bali, Kamis (24/11), dicokok polisi. Ia diduga
anggota sindikat pembobol kartu kredit atau kartu debit.

Kepolisian Sektro Kuta Ajun Komisaris Polisi I Gede Ganefo mengatakan,
Indri ditangkap di pusat perbelanjaan tempat ia bekerja. Selain Indri,
polisi menangkap seorang tersangka lain, Fauzi, di tempat

Ganefo mengatakan, para tersangka diduga beraksi dengan
menggesek kartu kredit korban sebanyak dua kali. Gesekan yang kedua
kali dilakukan di alat pencuri data nasabah (skimer) milik

Dalam penangkapan, polisi menyita barang bukti berupa
ratusan kartu kredit palsu dan asli, serta skimer dan printer.
Penangkapan keduanya berdasarkan laporan rekan kerja Indri yang curiga
dengan gerak-gerik perempuan asal Tangerang, Banten, tersebut.

Indri dan Fauzi mengaku disuruh seseorang. Mereka diupah Rp500
ribu per orang setiap kali gesek. Polisi kini memburu dalang
pembobolan tersebut berinisial AN.

Polisi masih menunggu
laporan para korban untuk mendata kerugian atas kasus tersebut. Indrio
dan Fauzi kini ditahan di Mapolsek Kuta.(Saifullah/IKA)

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Two Reservoirs to Be Built Around Kampung Pulo and Ciganjur

Jakarta Public Works Department plans to build two reservoirs around
Kampung Pulo, Pondok Labu, Cilandak, as an effort to overcome flood in
that area. One reservoir is going to be built behind the marine
headquarter, while the other reservoir is around infantry brigade
headquarter, Ciganjur, South Jakarta. This plan is currently in
discussion phase.

Tarjuki as Head Section of Water Management
for Jakarta Public Works told the resolution and mitigation of flood
which occurs in Kampung Pulo must be solved thoroughly without making
new problem. That is why the plan to build reservoirs came

According to him, the reservoir behind the marine
headquarter will be built in 1.6 hectares, while the reservoir around
infantry brigade headquarter is reaching 11 hectares. “But this is
only for first phase. Later on, its width will be added,” he said,
Wednesday (11/23).

He explained the dredging for those
reservoirs will be conducted this week and lasted for two weeks. In
the dredging process, his personnel will use two heavy equipments to
be placed behind those locations each.

He hopes this project
will be able to overcome flood problem in Pondok Labu area as well as
other areas at Pondok Labu downstream and around Ciganjur. “Hopefully,
the reservoirs could protect residents from flood,” he

As reported previously, about 60 residents who
joined in the forum of Pondok Labu Flood Victim visited the National
Committee of Human Rights (Komnas HAM) office on Jl. Latuharhary,
Menteng, Central Jakarta, on Monday (11/21). They complained and asked
the committee to facilitate residents and related parties so that
Krukut River could be normalized immediately to prevent them from
getting flooded all the time

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Rabu, 23 November 2011

The new speaker

The new speaker
Associated Press, Canberra | Thu, 11/24/2011 12:44 PM
A | A | A |

The new speaker: In this photo taken on March 23, 2011, Peter Slipper (right) the deputy speaker of Australia’s House of Representatives, meets with Rebiya Kadeer, president of the World Uyghur Congress, in Parliament House, Canberra. Australia's Parliament elected opposition lawmaker Slipper as its new House speaker on Thursday, following the resignation of former speaker Harry Jenkins; an unprecedented move that strengthens Prime Minister Julia Gillard's tenuous grip on power because the speaker does not vote in most cases. (AP/Mark Graham)The new speaker: In this photo taken on March 23, 2011, Peter Slipper (right) the deputy speaker of Australia’s House of Representatives, meets with Rebiya Kadeer, president of the World Uyghur Congress, in Parliament House, Canberra. Australia's Parliament elected opposition lawmaker Slipper as its new House speaker on Thursday, following the resignation of former speaker Harry Jenkins; an unprecedented move that strengthens Prime Minister Julia Gillard's tenuous grip on power because the speaker does not vote in most cases. (AP/Mark Graham)

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Bayern Tetap Incar Kemenangan Lawan City

(Reuters)Beritabola.com Munich - Bayern
Munich tidak akan santai saat melakoni laga penyisihan terakhirnya
melawan Manchester City. Die Roten bertekad tampil ngotot untuk meraih

Bayern akan melawan City di Etihad, awal Desember
mendatang. Laga ini sesungguhnya tidak berpengaruh lagi buat klub
jagoan Jerman itu.

Soalnya setelah memetik kemenangan atas
Villarreal 3-1, Rabu (23/11) dinihari WIB, Bayern telah memastikan
satu tempat di babak 16 besar sekaligus jaminan juara Grup

Hal sebaliknya terjadi di kubu seberang. Bagi City, ini
merupakan laga yang sangat penting. Pasukan Roberto Mancini itu harus
bisa mengalahkan Bayern seraya berharap Napoli tidak berhasil
mengalahkan Villarreal.

Situasi tampaknya akan sulit buat The
Citizens karena Bayern tidak berniat untuk tampil santai melainkan
akan tetap mengejar angka penuh. Bayern berjaya di pertemuan pertama
kontra City di Allianz Arena, September lalu dengan menang dua gol
tanpa balas.

"Kami masih akan mencoba dan menang di
Manchester," yakin bos Bayern Karl-Heinz Rummenigge seperti dikutip
Sky Sports.

"Pertama-tama, ada nilai untuk ranking lima tahunan
yang dipertaruhkan, dan kemudian ada 800.000 euro untuk pemenang. Kami
tidak akan memberikan apapun."

Rummenigge menyatakan Bayern
pantas mendapatkan kredit atas penampilan apiknya di Grup A yang
notabene grup paling berat.

"Setelah memenangi grup sulit,
semua yang Anda bisa lakukan adalah membayar pujian kepada tim dan
pelatih. Tim melakukan seperti yang kami harapkan,"imbuh

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2 trampled to death during soccer final

2 trampled to death during soccer final
The Jakarta Post | Mon, 11/21/2011 11:30 PM
A | A | A |

Two people were trampled to death on Monday while entering Bung Karno Stadium for the Southeast Asian Games’ final soccer match between Indonesia and Malaysia.

The bodies were taken to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital in Central Jakarta, medical team member Abdul Majid said as reported by tempointeraktif.co.id

 Majid said that officials had not confirmed the identity of the supporters. “Maybe we will find out tomorrow.”

A police officer said that the pair was trampled by the crowd after supporters rushed into the stadium by breaking through the gate at Section 15.

Several other supporters were reportedly injured.


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Text your say: Shocking video of Salemba prison

Text your say: Shocking video of Salemba prison
| Mon, 11/21/2011 9:03 PM
A | A | A |

Your comments on a video released by a former Salemba penitentiary inmate that shows inmates gambling, indulging in prostitution and enjoying luxury facilities at the prison:

Our poor low-grade prison officers are no match for seasoned inmates. “Well-to-do” prisoners easily employ prison officers on meager salaries so they can do whatever they want — almost anything.

They cover for each other easily. However, no one seems to believe this goes on and higher authorities are not aware of it, which means we still don’t have a prison for the well-to-do who treat prison like a low-grade hotel.

Their money really does talk.

The Chinese government knows all about it, and simply does away with well-to-do prisoners. Indonesia doesn’t have the heart for it … yet.

Moeljono Adikoesoemo

Luxury facilities, gambling and prostitution in prisons will inevitably increase crime and thus the number of inmates, which means the government
will have to prepare more and
bigger prisons.

Is the government ready for this?

E Nurdin

Is it a prison? I thought they held corruption convicts in luxury hotels next to malls and sports arenas while they wait for their sentence reductions.


It’s about time to reveal the shocking facts behind Salemba’s bars.

Here is proof that law in our country is upheld poorly.

Bimo Ario

Something went wrong with this institution to let these things happen.


What crime do I have to commit to go there? It’s better than
my house.

John Andri

We do not need Salemba prison, or other prisons, perhaps. We need capital punishment.

Veronica Sulistianingsih

When an inmate is allowed to keep a cell phone, anything else (mentioned earlier) is possible!

Eddy Arjuna Zainy

I believe this is just the tip of the iceberg. But the tip can block any gigantic ship or yacht trying to pass through it.

So, let’s wait and see which gigantic figures will fly into a rage because of this footage.

Happy Indriyono

Why do you call it shocking? It’s not as if it’s a secret that money talks in Indonesia.

Des Pegler

Next topic

The US plan to establish a military base in Darwin, the closest Australian city to Indonesia, has sparked outrage from the Indonesia. What do you think?

Send your thoughts by email, SMS, Twitter or Facebook.
Include your name and city.

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Polri Telusuri Foto Nunun Nurbaeti

Metrotvnews.com, Jakarta: Polri akan menelusuri foto
tersangka kasus korupsi terkait pemilihan Deputi Gubernur Bank
Indonesia, Nunun Nurbaeti. Untuk itu, Polri akan berkoordinasi dengan
Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK).

"Itu nanti akan ditelusuri.
Pertama, apakah foto itu lama atau baru. Kemudian kapan itu diambil
dengan lensa apa. Itu kan bisa diketahui oleh ahlinya," ujar Kepala
Divisi Humas Polri Irjen Saud Usman Nasution, di Mabes Polri, Jakarta,
Rabu (23/11).

Menurut Saud, hasil penelusuran itu akan
diserahkan ke KPK sebagai penyidik perkara pokoknya. Sebab, lanjutnya,
Polri hanya membantu mencari Nunun yang saat ini menjadi buron polisi

Sebelumnya, Tempo.co melansir foto-foto istri
mantan Wakil Kepala Kepolisian Republik Indonesia itu. Pada gambar
tersebut, Nunun sedang berjalan-jalan di pusat perbelanjaan di
Singapura bersama seorang wanita. Tempo.co juga mengungkap foto lain
juga saat Nunun sedang berada di Thailand.(MI/DNI)

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Lenovo is now No.2 PC maker; Dell says it doesn’t care

According to data from Gartner, HP remained the top dog in PC market share, Lenovo vaulted to No. 2 as its share rose from 11.1% to 13.5%, while Dell dropped to 3rd place as its share came down to 11.6%.

Yang Yuanqing, CEO of Lenovo, ascribes this increase to Lenovo’s long-term promise to PC customers. As a result, Lenovo got a bump in both consumer and commercial markets.

But Dell didn’t pay much attention to Lenovo’s getting ahead. In this week’s Dell World in Austin, Texas, Dell’s CEO Michael Dell told reporters: Lenovo may get a larger share in the PC market, but Dell is better at revenue and profit, at which Lenovo cannot catch up.

Michael Dell, CEO of DELL

Michael Dell says that Dell is not only a PC manufacturer but also a solutions company, which provides its customers with PC, storage, server, data center and cloud computing technology, etc.

However, both Lenovo and Dell are challenged by Apple’s competitiveness in mobile market.

In the coming months, to rise to the challenge, Lenovo will launch new products including a ThinkPad Tablet. By the end of this year, it will launch a  second-generation LePhone- Phone S2.

Michael Dell says Dell is keen on the opportunities brought by Microsoft Windows 8 to Tablet PC. He stresses Dell will not give up in the PC market, “DELL is an end-to-end IT solution provider.”

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